The design of linear-phase crossover networks has until now necessitated the use of crossovers, at least one of whose outputs suffers from either frequency response ripple in the passband or low rolloff rate in the stopband. It may be desirable, at least for experimental purposes, to construct a high-quality loudspeaker which avoids the all-pass phase characteristic exhibited by the best of conventional Butterworth or Thiele-Linkwitz-Riley-derived high-slope crossovers, because such phase distortion can subtly degrade some program signals. A recent suggestion is generalized, and it is shown how, by introducing a suitable time delay into the signal path, a family of complementary constant-voltage crossovers can be synthesized with high slopes in both low-pass and high-pass outputs. Such crossovers are also applicable more widely; for example, in band-splitting companders, limiters, and signal processors of various kinds. The performance of the new crossover design for different low-pass alignments is discussed in some detail.
Lipshitz, Stanley P.; Vanderkooy, John
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada N2L 3G1
JAES Volume 31 Issue 1/2 pp. 2-20; February 1983
Publication Date:
February 1, 1983
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