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Tape Storage Problems

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When magnetic recording tape is stored, its subsequent performance is determined by the physical and magnetic characteristics of the tape material, as well as by its storage environment. Care must be exercised in selecting the proper type and thickness of the base material and in the choice of magnetic coating formulation. Close control over climatic conditions during storage, an even wind without excessive tension, and adequate reel packaging reduce physical damage. Data which indicate the superiority of Mylar base tapes under stress and varying temperatures and humidities are presented. It is observed that prolonged storage produces no apparent increase in the distortion content of recorded material, whereas the print-through definitely increases with time, and is aggravated by the presence of stray magnetic fields and high temperatures. Procedures which minimize the adverse effects of storage are summarized in conclusion. A British paper claims that exposure to hydrogen sulfide causes a loss of playback level; we have been unable to find any such effect with Audiotape.

JAES Volume 5 Issue 1 pp. 32-35; January 1957
Publication Date:

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