
AES Journal Forum

On Aural Phase Detection: Part 2

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Qualitative results obtained in the first part are supplemented by quantitative measurements of thresholds for audible deviation from a linear-phase characteristic as an aid in loudspeaker design.

JAES Volume 22 Issue 10 pp. 783-788; December 1974
Publication Date:

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Comments on this paper

Scott Dorsey
Scott Dorsey

Comment posted April 3, 2018 @ 16:29:15 UTC (Comment permalink)

This paper, and the paper before it, summarize work done a year earlier by Hansen and Madsen in a concise and clear fashion.  This provides no real data that wasn't in _Threshold of Phase Detection by Hearing_ but the presentation is more compact and clear as would befit a JAES paper.  Interestingly they find group delay is more readily audible in reverberant environments, quite the opposite of what Lipschitz, Pocock, and Vanderkooy found in _Preliminary Results on the Audibility of Midrange Phase Distortion in Audio Systems_ six years later.

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