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A High-Resolution Boundary Element Method Suitable Full Torso Mesh of KEMAR

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Traditional head-related transfer function acoustic measurement methods can be timeconsuming, repetitive, and require complex equipment. Although numerical simulation such as the boundary element method offers an alternative approach, creating the required accurate 3D mesh of a subject can also be time-consuming and complex, typically involving scanning the subject and a number of manual post-processing steps. This paper presents an alternative solution specifically for the Knowles Electronics Manikin for Acoustic Research (KEMAR) and reports the results of comparisons between simulated and acoustically measured head-related transfer functions. Such comparisons show good consistency: differences in interaural time difference, spectral magnitude, and interaural spectral difference are close to just-noticeable--difference values and similar to values reported by others. The mesh can therefore be used as a viable representation of direct measurement within virtual acoustic simulations, allowing researchers with unusual requirements to access the benefits of the boundary element method without having to first scan their manikin.

JAES Volume 71 Issue 7/8 pp. 492-501; July 2023
Publication Date:

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