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Weighted Pressure and Mode Matching for Sound Field Reproduction: Theoretical and Experimental Comparisons

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Two sound field reproduction methods, weighted pressure matching and weighted mode matching, are theoretically and experimentally compared.Weighted pressure and mode matching are a generalization of conventional pressure and mode matching, respectively. Both methods are derived by introducing a weighting matrix in the pressure and mode matching. The weighting matrix in the weighted pressure matching is defined on the basis of the kernel interpolation of the sound field from pressure at a discrete set of control points. In weighted mode matching, the weighting matrix is defined by a regional integration of spherical wavefunctions. It is theoretically shown that the weighted pressure matching is a special case of the weighted mode matching by infinite-dimensional harmonic analysis for estimating expansion coefficients from pressure observations. The difference between the two methods is discussed through experiments.

Open Access


JAES Volume 71 Issue 4 pp. 173-185; April 2023
Publication Date:

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