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The Presence of a Floor Improves Subjective Elevation Accuracy of Binaural Stimuli Created With Non-Individualized Head-Related Impulse Responses

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We report the effect of the presence of floor on elevation estimation of audio spatialized with non-individualized Head-Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs). The results of two experiments (n = 21 and n = 39) suggest that using HRIRs captured when a floor simulator was present improved assessors' accuracy when judging elevation in the sagittal and coronal planes, especially at high elevations. Such improvements were not observed when signals delayed according to their computed first reflection were mixed with signals convolved with anechoic HRIRs. These findings suggest that capturing non-individualized HRIRs in hemi-anechoic rooms could improve accuracy of audio spatialization in virtual environments.

JAES Volume 69 Issue 11 pp. 849-859; November 2021
Publication Date:

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