This work examines the feasibility and acceptability of digitally correcting the response irregularities of typical earphones used for listening with cell phones and other mobile devices. A novel adaptive low filter order response equalization method is introduced since for these applications digital signal processing resources are limited; hence such filters are restricted in order. The method employs parallel infinite impulse response (IIR) filter sections with 5–9 pole pairs that match well a target frequency response known to be suitable for earphone listening. The tests with earphones of varying specifications and price indicate that these short filters can be effective for response equalization and that such processing improves listener preference.
Kamaris, Gavriil; Zachos, Panagiotis; Mourjopoulos, John
Audio and Acoustic Technology Group, Wire Communications Laboratory, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., University of Patras, Greece
JAES Volume 69 Issue 5 pp. 297-308; May 2021
Publication Date:
April 30, 2021
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