The 22.2 multichannel sound system is an advanced sound system composed of 24 channels located in a three-dimensional space that envelops listeners in an immersive sound field. It is the audio system used in the new Japanese 8K broadcasting launched in 2016. The basis of this proposal is to separate the 22.2 channels into two groups: dialogue channels and background sound channels with each group being controlled separately. To improve the listener experience, dialogue channel control is being proposed for two functions: (1) dialogue audibility can be enhanced by changing the level balance between the dialogue channels and background sound channels; and (2) dialogue replacement allows for selecting an alternative to substitute for the standard dialogue. Subjective listening tests verified the usefulness of the dialogue enhancement. The dialogue channel control was constructed using the syntax of Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)-4 advanced audio coding (AAC) technology, and this scheme has been approved as a domestic standard.
Sugimoto, Takehiro; Nakayama, Yasushige; Komori, Tomoyasu; Chinen, Toru; Hatanaka, Mitsuyuki
Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK, Tokyo, Japan; Engineering Administration Department, NHK, Tokyo, Japan; Audio Technology Development Department, Innovative Technology Development Division, System R&D Group, R&D Platform, Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan(See document for exact affiliation information.)
JAES Volume 65 Issue 6 pp. 507-516; June 2017
Publication Date:
June 27, 2017
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