In speech/music coders and analysis/synthesis systems, spectral modeling is generally performed on a short-term (ST) frame-by-frame basis, which is justified by the fact that the signal is only locally (quasi-) stationary. The vocal tract configuration moves slowly and smoothly thereby resulting in a high correlation between the spectral parameters of successive frames: this correlation property is exploited in long-term modeling of the ST parameters, which however results in longer modeling/coding delays. The short delay constraint can be relaxed in many applications, such as text-to-speech modification/synthesis, telephony surveillance data, digital answering machines, electronic voicemail, digital voice logging, electronic toys, and video games. The long-term harmonic plus noise model (LT-HNM) for speech shows additional data compression possibilities since it exploits the smooth evolution of the time trajectories of the short-term harmonic plus noise model parameters by applying a discrete cosine model (DCM). In this paper, the authors extend the LT-HNM to a complete low bit-rate speech coder that is based on a long-term approach ca. 200ms. The proposed LT-HNM coder reaches a bit-rate of 2.7kbps for wideband speech.
Ben Ali, Faten; Djaziri-Larbi, Sonia; Girin, Laurent
University of Tunis El Manar, National Engineering School of Tunis, Signal and Systems Lab, Tunis, Tunisia; GIPSA Lab, University Grenoble Alpes, France, and INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes, France(See document for exact affiliation information.)
JAES Volume 64 Issue 11 pp. 844-857; November 2016
Publication Date:
December 1, 2016
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