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Near-Field Sound Control Using a Planar Loudspeaker

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Even with the more advanced sound rendering methods, creating a convincing near-field image has remained a challenge, especially when sound is integrated with high resolution video. In order to render a near-field sound image in a relatively simple yet effective way, the authors proposed a new method using an overhead planar loudspeaker. Subjective evaluation showed that planar waves radiating from overhead position generated a sound image very near to the listener when coupled with an additional filter that removes spectral cues associated with an overhead sound source. The results also showed that the proposed method could continuously control the distance of sound image between the screen and the listener position. The planar loudspeaker generated smaller variance of group delay at the listener's ears than conventional loudspeakers.

JAES Volume 63 Issue 1/2 pp. 54-62; January 2015
Publication Date:

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