Using real subjects to evaluate a sound system’s ability to accurately reproduce the location of sound events requires significant time, personnel, and preparation. Having a reliable measurement tool that produces the same results as subjective listening tests has high value. Objective measures replace subjective judgments using a tool that contains a psychoacoustic model of the human auditory system. Results with real and virtual signals show that the tool accurately simulates auditory localization for virtual acoustic openings.
Blanco-Martin, Elena; Casajús-Quirós, Francisco Javier; Gómez-Alfageme, Juan José; Ortiz-Berenguer, Luis Ignacio
Department of Audiovisual and Communication Engineering, Universidad Politécnica Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Tecnica Department of Signals, Systems and Radiocommunication, Universidad Politécnica Madrid, Madrid, Spain(See document for exact affiliation information.)
JAES Volume 59 Issue 3 pp. 124-136; March 2011
Publication Date:
April 18, 2011
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