An objective method that predicts perceived audio quality in multichannel compression coding systems is described. This method, which takes into account degradation in both spatial and timbral quality, extends previous approaches by incorporating a binaural hearing model. Spatial quality uses three interaural distortions metrics: time difference, level difference, and cross-correlation coefficient. Timbral quality uses 10 nonspatial statistics. Predictions of perceived quality are comparable or better than other models.
Choi, Inyong; Shinn-Cunningham, Barbara G.; Chon, Sang Bae; Sung, Koeng-Mo
Institute of New Media and Communications, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea ; Hearing Research Center, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA(See document for exact affiliation information.)
JAES Volume 56 Issue 1/2 pp. 3-17; January 2008
Publication Date:
January 15, 2008
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