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Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) The New ITU Standard for End-to-End Speech Quality Assessment Part I—Time-Delay Compensation

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A new model for the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) was recently standardized by the International Telecommunications Union as Recommendation P.862. Unlike previous codec assessment models, such as PSQM and MNB (ITU-T P.861), PESQ is able to predict subjective quality with good correlation in a very wide range of conditions, which may include coding distortions, errors, noise, filtering, delay, and variable delay. In Part I time-delay identification techniques are introduced and some causes of variable delay are outlined before the processes that are integrated into PESQ and specified in P.862 are described. More information on the structure of PESQ as well as performance results will be given in Part II.

JAES Volume 50 Issue 10 pp. 755-764; October 2002
Publication Date:

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