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Audio Rides the Light of Fiber Optics: A Tutorial

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[Feature] There have been many technological breakthroughs in the area of fiber optic technology, allowing an easier migration into the professional audio arena. Following the recent rise of copper prices in worldwide markets, there has been an increased usage in fiber-optic-based equipment, cables, and connectors deployed for pro audio and video. The timing seems right for presenting this tutorial (an update and expansion to Ajemian and Grundy article in JAES 1990 March), to bring the professional audio community up to date with the fiber optic cables and connectors currently being deployed in pro audio.

JAES Volume 57 Issue 6 pp. 461-475; June 2009
Publication Date:

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David Bialik

Comment posted August 3, 2009 @ 15:14:46 UTC (Comment permalink)

Very good tutorial Ron. It answered a few questions since I was not aware of some terminology.

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