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The results of studying the h parameters of stressed transistors of the 2N706 type are presented. For this transistor type, the stress characteristics can be predicted by knowing the initial parameter values. The optimum stress location on the transistor surface is detrmined for a practical transducer.
Longwell, Thomas F.
Automatic Electric Laboratories, Inc., Northlake, IL
JAES Volume 15 Issue 1 pp. 60-62; January 1967
Publication Date:
January 1, 1967
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Scott Dorsey |
Comment posted May 31, 2020 @ 13:42:21 UTC
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Engineers at Bell Labs working on planar silicon transistors discovered that flexing the transistor die changed the beta, and since Bell was always looking for new sources of inexpensive communications microphones for telephone use, a lot of research has been done trying to put this effect to use to create a "Transistor Microphone." There are several other papers in the AES library on this. (Respond to this comment)
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