
AES Journal Forum

On Considerations in the Development of an Advanced Fe2O3 Cassette Tape Coating

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JAES Volume 22 Issue 3 p. 186; April 1974
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Comments on this paper

Scott Dorsey
Scott Dorsey

Comment posted March 13, 2019 @ 17:32:32 UTC (Comment permalink)

This is a simple overview of a product development process for a cassette tape.  When this was published, it was an overview of the process and what constraints went into developing the product.  But today this is a very interesting paper because so much of the tape formulations were proprietary and people today are still not sure about what went into some of them.  This doesn't describe that, but it does describe why those things were selected and a few of the things selected.  Some of the discussion about the effects of particle size and configuration, which are specific to the low-speed cassette application, are really not addressed to this detail elsewhere.

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