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Chemical Analysis of Magnetic Recording Tape

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A scheme is given for the chemical examination of magnetic recording tapes. The tape is first extracted with solvents to remove plasticizer and the base is then separated from the binder and the magnetic oxide. Each of the components is analyzed separately, and examples of the results obtained on a number of tapes of German, Russian, and American manufacture are given.

JAES Volume 8 Issue 3 pp. 156-158; July 1960
Publication Date:

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Comments on this paper

Scott Dorsey
Scott Dorsey

Comment posted December 27, 2018 @ 14:11:34 UTC (Comment permalink)

This is so great!  I think this is the first paper I have seen that has attempted to reverse-engineer any of the magnetic tape chemistries.  There is no real analysis of the oxide but he does a first stab at analyzing the binder base.  This work pretty much sat around for years until the 1990s when all of a sudden the newer binder chemistries were breaking down.  This is one of the few early looks into the more stable binder chemistries of the fifties and sixties from before sticky shed ever happened.   I'd love to know who Charles Victor Green was, and how he wound up, as a fellow of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, teaching at a grammar school for boys.

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