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Noise Analysis of Transformer-Coupled Preamplifiers

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Noise analyses of input stages of typical transformer-coupled preamplifiers are presented. Conditions are derived for which the transformer improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the circuits. Examples are presented which are typical for microphone preamplifiers.

JAES Volume 40 Issue 1/2 pp. 3-11; February 1992
Publication Date:

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Comments on this paper

Scott Dorsey
Scott Dorsey

Comment posted December 25, 2016 @ 13:45:37 UTC (Comment permalink)

The title of this paper is kind of misleading, because this is actually a thorough noise analysis of a whole bunch of different input stage topologies.  The reader can tweak some of the numbers to model specific implementations as well, but this is a thorough summary of where noise comes from in preamplifiers and it was very much a milestone in the field when it came out.

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