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Application of Wavelets to Onset Transients and Inharmonicity of Piano Tones

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The wavelet packet transform is particularly useful in analyzing the onset transients of piano tones as a means of capturing the unique attributes of such signals in an efficient way. This approach also allows the inhamonicity coefficients to be determined. By exploiting the fact that energy is concentrated in a few time-frequency blocks, a small number of such blocks, especially in the lower harmonics, are sufficient to accurately reconstruct the original waveform. Piano tones have rapidly rising onset transients resulting from the hammer striking the strings and before the string reaches steady state.

JAES Volume 56 Issue 5 pp. 381-392; May 2008
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Alicja Wieczorkowska

Comment posted January 8, 2011 @ 18:11:44 UTC (Comment permalink)

Very clearly written paper!
I am wondering if taking frequency intervals jF0 +- F0/2 is not shifting the range of partials towards the preceeding/lower ones, because of halving the space on the axis in linear scale, whereas frequencies are distributed in equal distances in log scale.
Since the paper was published 1.5 year ago, maybe you have implemented and published further developments in your research?

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