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In order to broaden the utility of objective methods for perceptual evaluation of ultrawide-band (sampled at 48 kHz) speech, two extensions to the W-PESQ standard are proposed. In one approach the psychoacoustic model of W-PESQ is expanded to cover higher frequencies by means of data extrapolation. In the alternative method the psychoacoustic model is replaced with that of PEAQ. A performance analysis of both methods reveals that their predictions strongly correlate with measured mean opinion scores (MOS), bearing a cross-correlation coefficient around 97%. Tests used speech signals corrupted with white and broad-band environmental noises.
Bispo, Bruno C.; Esquef, Paulo A. A.; Biscainho, Luiz W. P.; Lima, Amaro A. de; Freeland, Fabio P.; Jesus, Rafael A. de; Said, Amir; Lee, Bowon; Schafer, Ronald W.; Kalker, Ton
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; Coordination of Systems and Control, National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, LNCC / MCT, Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil; LPS-PEE / COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; Department of Telecommunications, Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro ( CEFET / RJ ), Nova Iguaçu, RJ, Brazil; Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property ( INPI ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; PETROBRAS / E & P, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; Multimedia Communications & Networking Lab, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, USA(See document for exact affiliation information.)
JAES Volume 58 Issue 4 pp. 251-268; April 2010
Publication Date:
May 5, 2010
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Michael Keyhl |
Comment posted May 16, 2010 @ 22:57:01 UTC
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The article of Bispo et. al. touches on several up-to-date aspects of perceptual voice quality testing.
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Author Response Luiz Biscainho |
Comment posted August 10, 2010 @ 16:09:41 UTC
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Dear Michael Keyhl,
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