The personal audio system to generate different sound conditions for each seat in a vehicle cabin is the representative application of multi-zone sound field control. Here, the effectiveness validation of source positions and the robustness of estimated solutions are investigated for the design of a multi-zone control system in a vehicle cabin. To quantify the efficiency of source position, the linear independency test of transfer matrix between the candidate positions of sources and listener is conducted, and an efficient position is selected by the quantified value estimated by the effective independence method. The dummy head source system is applied to measure the transfer matrix efficiently. With the properly selected source positions, it is observed that the control performance is prominent and robust.
Cho, Wan-Ho; Chang, Ji-Ho
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Daejeon, Korea
AES Convention:
146 (March 2019)
Publication Date:
March 10, 2019
Spatial Audio and Acoustics
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