
AES Engineering Briefs Forum

Visualization of Compact Microphone Array Room Impulse Responses

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For many audio applications, availability of recorded multichannel room impulse responses (MC-RIRs) is fundamental. They enable development and testing of acoustic systems for reflective rooms. We present multiple MC-RIR datasets recorded in diverse rooms, using up to 60 loudspeaker positions and various uniform compact microphone arrays. These datasets complement existing RIR libraries and have dense spatial sampling of a listening position. To reveal the encapsulated spatial information, several state of the art room visualization methods are presented. Results confirm the measurement fidelity and graphically depict the geometry of the recorded rooms. Further investigation of these recordings and visualization methods will facilitate object-based RIR encoding, integration of audio with other forms of spatial information, and meaningful extrapolation and manipulation of recorded compact microphone array RIRs.

AES Convention: eBrief:
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