A freely available database of measured single-channel and binaural room impulse responses (RIRs and BRIRs) of a 64-channel loudspeaker array of rectangular shape under varying room acoustical conditions is presented. The RIRs have been measured at three receiver positions for four different absorber configurations. Corresponding BRIRs for head-orientations in the range of ±80° in 2° steps with a KEMAR manikin have been captured for a subset of seven combinations of position and absorber configurations. The data is provided in the Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics (SOFA). It can be used to study the influence of the listening room on multichannel audio reproduction. As an application RIRs for the synthesis of a sound field by Wave Field Synthesis are shown.
Erbes, Vera; Geier, Matthias; Weinzierl, Stefan; Spors, Sascha
University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany; Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention:
138 (May 2015)
Publication Date:
May 5, 2015
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