Along the standardization of Loudness Measurement (EBU R128 and ITU-R BS.1770 update), France Television introduced loudness in 2010 to improve human interpretation during Quality Checking processes. After the defined measurement itself, done by a machine respecting the standard, studies have been conducted to fix objective limits according to the network's skills and viewer environments. By using the tools offered by the EBU R128, we have introduced specifications for audio acceptance beyond the loudness target of –23 LUFS, already taken into account. This work and results have been extended for common programs and short commercials in different ways. The measurement tools, developed according R128, have also been graphically developed to facilitate this additional reading.
Parmentier, Matthieu
France Television
AES Convention:
130 (May 2011)
Publication Date:
May 13, 2011
Design and Assessment
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