
AES Convention Papers Forum

What's So Sacred About Exponential Horns?

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The maintenance of constant directivity with frequency in high-frequency exponential horns is quite difficult. Two main sound industry solutions are the multicell and radial/sectoral horns. While the multicell exhibits fairly constant directivity, both designs suffer from mid/high-frequency polar lobing and midrange narrowing, and the radial shows continually decreasing vertical beamwidth as frequency increases. A new series of horns which optimally joins a modified conical horn with an exponential throat section corrects these problems, while offering very well behaved polar patterns and constant directivity up to 16 kHz.

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Comments on this paper

Scott Dorsey
Scott Dorsey

Comment posted July 9, 2020 @ 16:34:03 UTC (Comment permalink)

This paper introduces the modern constant-directivity horn.  In a few years some work will be done on the effects of the abrupt flare change on frequency response and the need to make that change a bit more gradual will become evident, but this is the first introduction of a change in the flare formula partway down the horn in order to keep directivity constant with frequency.  This technique is used on almost all modern horn designs now.

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