A new quality assessment test was carried out to examine the relationship between the perception of audio and video resolutions. Three video resolutions and four audio resolutions were used to answer the question: “Does lower resolution video influence the perceived quality of audio, or vice versa?” Subjects were asked to use their own equipment, which they would be likely to stream media with. They were asked to watch a short video clip of various qualities and to indicate the perceived audio and video qualities on separate 5-point Likert scales. Four unique 10-second video clips were presented in each of 12 experimental conditions. The perceived audio and video quality ratings data showed different effects of audio and video resolutions. The perceived video quality ratings showed a significant effect of audio resolutions, whereas the perceived audio quality did not show a significant effect of video resolutions. Subjects were divided into two groups based on the self-identification of whether they were visually or auditorily inclined. These groups showed slightly different response patterns in the perceived audio quality ratings.
Bartel, Nicholas; Chon, Song Hui
Belmont University, Nashville, TN, USA
AES Convention:
152 (May 2022)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 2, 2022
Television Audio
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