
AES Convention Papers Forum

Perceptual Evaluation of Interior Panning Algorithms Using Static Auditory Events

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Interior panning algorithms enable content authors to position auditory events not only at the periphery of the loudspeaker configuration, but also within the internal space between the listeners and the loudspeakers. In this study such algorithms are rigorously evaluated, comparing rendered static auditory events at various locations against true physical loudspeaker references. Various algorithmic approaches are subjectively assessed in terms of; Overall, Timbral, and Spatial Quality for three different stimuli, at five different positions and three radii. Results show for static positions that standard Vector Base Amplitude Panning performs equal, or better, than all other interior panning algorithms tested here. Timbral Quality is maintained throughout all distances. Ratings for Spatial Quality vary, with some algorithms performing significantly worse at closer distances. Ratings for Overall Quality reduce moderately with respect to reduced reproduction radius and are predominantly influenced by Timbral Quality.

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