
AES Convention Papers Forum

Efficient HRTF Representation Using Compact Mode HRTFs

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This paper proposes a new Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) representation, which utilises a rotation to reorder the energy of the HRTF in the spherical harmonic domain into a minimal number of spherical harmonics and then discards those with low energy content. This new representation is titled the compact mode HRTF. The rigid sphere and Neumann KU100 HRTFs are considered to a truncation order of N = 30 which requires 961 spherical harmonics. The KU100 compact mode HRTF using only 178 spherical harmonics is shown to match the full KU100 HRTF to within just a 5% error bound. Thus the compact mode scheme is proposed as an efficient method for representing, transmitting and utilising HRTFs to high orders.

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