Stereo audio systems are widely used in different scenarios, especially for portable devices. For their usability, it is important to develop algorithms capable of improving audio performance. In this context, the proposed system aim to enhance spatial sound reproduction taking advantages of three psychoacoustic effects. Starting from a virtual bass algorithm used to increase the perception of lowest frequencies exploiting the missing fundamental phenomenon, a stereo enhancer is used to add a spatialization effect to sound reproduction in the medium frequency range. Finally, a decorrelator algorithm operating in the high frequency range and capable of improving the apparent source width of the audio signal is applied. The combination of these three effects generates a pleasant perception of the reproduced sound.
Giliberti, Domenico Andrea; Iseini, Festim; Pelagalli, Nicola; Terenzi, Alessandro; Cecchi, Stefania
Università Politecnica delle Marche
AES Convention:
148 (May 2020)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 28, 2020
Posters: Applications
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