An advantageous approach to DSP equalization of loudspeakers is proposed in this paper adopting spatial averages of complex responses acquired from 3D balloon measurements. Alignment of the off-axis impulses responses with the on-axis impulse responses are accomplished using a cross-correlation technique prior to spatial averaging to attain meaningful statistics of magnitude and phase responses. This is performed over a pre-defined listening window from the complete loudspeaker response balloons (both magnitude and phase). The resulted average of the complex response within a suitably defined listening window is used to obtain, via the least mean square adaptive technique, an inverse filter that corrects the linear behavior of the loudspeaker.
Catala Iborra, Victor Manuel; Li, Francis F.
DAS Audio, Fuente Del Jarro, Spain; The University of Salford, Salford, UK(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention:
146 (March 2019)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
March 10, 2019
Loudspeakers: Part 2
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