
AES Convention Papers Forum

Comparison of Recording Techniques for 3D Audio Due to Difference between Listening Positions and Microphone Arrays

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The listening experiments comparing three recording techniques for 3D audio, namely Spaced Array, One-point Array, and Ambisonics were executed. First, the evaluation attributes were extracted referring the Repertory Grid Technique. Then participants compared the differences between these microphone techniques including the difference in listening position. From the results, the difference depending on the listening position is the smallest in the Spaced Array. Besides, it is estimated that Ambisonics gives the impression of “hard,” One-point Array gives “rich” and “wide,” and Spaced Array gives “clear” and “real.” Furthermore, “real” was evaluated from the viewpoint of clarity and the richness of reverberation, with a negative correlation with the spectral centroid and a positive correlation with the reflection from lateral and vertical, respectively.

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