In the design of mobile sound systems an estimation of power consumption must be made in order to choose a battery of appropriate size and cost. However poor methods for power estimation tend to result in large and costly batteries. This paper aims to present a more precise method for estimating power consumption for a vented box sound system. Instead of simplifying a loudspeaker system as a purely ohmic resistance, its mechanical and acoustic parameters are used to create a state space model. Despite deviations at high frequencies, the state space model is at least twice as accurate at estimating the power consumption than simplifying the speaker as a resistor.
Madsen, Filip Sommer; Thorsen, Søren; Iversen, Niels Elkjær; Knott, Arnold
Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lygby, Denmark
AES Convention:
142 (May 2017)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 11, 2017
Transducers 3
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