This paper describes additional development and improvement for all walls and ceiling diffusers, a new principle for multichannel or stereo control room setup/treatment, as was originally published at the 129th AES Convention (Paper Number 8295). The main effort focused on lowering the price of treatment, optimization of LF absorption, simplification of diffuser construction, solution for long diffusers without periodic repetition of diffusive sequence, and increasing room decay. All of these procedures and design principles will be described and attached to this paper, including theoretical analysis and room acoustical measurements from some of the first control rooms built following this new and improved principle.
Petrovic, Bogic; Davidovic, Zorica
MyRoom Acoustics, Belgrade, Serbia
AES Convention:
140 (May 2016)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 26, 2016
Room Acoustics, Instrumentation and Measurement
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