Feedback delay networks (FDNs) can be efficiently used to generate parametric artificial reverberation. Recently, the authors proposed a novel approach to time-varying FDNs by introducing a time-varying feedback matrix. The formulation of the time-varying feedback matrix was given in the complex eigenvalue domain, whereas this contribution specifies the requirements for real valued time-domain processing. In addition, the computational costs of different time-varying feedback matrices, which depend on the matrix type and modulation function, are discussed. In a performance evaluation, the proposed orthogonal matrix modulation is compared to a direct interpolation of the matrix entries.
Schlecht, Sebastian J.; Habets, Emanuël A. P.
International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
AES Convention:
138 (May 2015)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 6, 2015
Audio Signal Processing
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