A sound source and a microphone grid are used for measuring a set of impulse responses with the purpose of estimating the in-situ acoustical characteristics of noise barriers (sound reflection and airborne sound insulation) following the CEN/TS 1793-5 European standard guidelines as improved by the European project QUIESST. The impulse responses are measured using MLS (Maximum Length Sequence) and Swept-sine signals. The acoustical characteristics of the noise barrier, obtained using the two signals, are generally equivalent, but in some critical measurement conditions a discrepancy can be found. Differences and advantages between measurements, obtained by means of MLS or Swept-sine methods are analyzed and discussed in this paper.
Guidorzi, Paolo; Garai, Massimo
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
AES Convention:
134 (May 2013)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 4, 2013
Measurements and Modeling
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