Spherical sound source, consisting of a pair of coaxial loudspeakers and a pair of compression drivers and radiating into a common radially expanding horn, is used for acoustic measurements of rooms for speech and music. For exactly the same source-microphone pair positions, comparative measurements are made with a typical dodecahedron, keeping the same microphone technique, identical signals, and recording hardware under the same measuring conditions. Several software programs were used for evaluation of the acoustical parameters extracted from impulse responses. Parameters are presented in tables and graphics for better sound source comparisons. Spherical sound source reveals higher dynamic range and perfectly repeatable parameters with source rotation, which is in contrast to dodecahedron, where rotation steps resulted in some parameters’ deviation.
Valtchev, Plamen; Gerganova, Denise
Univox, Sofia, Bulgaria; Spherovox, Sofia, Bulgaria(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention:
134 (May 2013)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 4, 2013
Room Acoustics
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