A new algorithm for 5.1 to stereo downmix is introduced that addresses the problem of dialogue intelligibility. The algorithm utilizes proposed signal processing algorithms to enhance the intelligibility of movie dialogue, especially in difficult listening conditions or in compromised speaker setup. To account for the latter, a playback configuration utilizing a portable device, i.e., an ultrabook, is examined. The experiments are presented that confirm the efficiency of the introduced method. Both objective measurements and subjective listening tests were conducted. The new downmix algorithm is compared to the output of a standard downmix matrix method. The results of subjective tests prove that an improved dialogue intelligibility is achieved.
Lopatka, Kuba; Kunka, Bartosz; Czyzewski, Andrzej
Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
AES Convention:
134 (May 2013)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 4, 2013
Speech Processing
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