This paper presents a combined approach to loudspeaker/room response equalization based on simple in-room measurements. In the first step, the anechoic response of the loudspeaker, which mostly determines localization and timbre perception, is equalized with a low-order non-minimum phase equalizer. This is actually done using the gated in-room response, which of course means that the equalization is incorrect at low frequencies where the gate time is shorter than the anechoic impulse response. In the second step, a standard, fractional-octave resolution minimum-phase equalizer is designed based on the in-room response pre-equalized with the quasi-anechoic equalizer. This second step, in addition to correcting the room response, automatically compensates the low-frequency errors made in the quasi-anechoic equalizer design when we were using gated responses.
Bank, Balazs
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
AES Convention:
134 (May 2013)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 4, 2013
Room Acoustics
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