The Open Sound Control (OSC) control protocol does not have service discovery capabilities. The approach to adding service discovery to OSC proposed in this paper uses the OSC address space to represent services within the context of a logical device model. This model allows services to be represented in a context-sensitive manner by relating parameters representing services to the logical organization of a device. Implementation of service discovery is done using standard OSC messages and requires that the OSC address space be designed to support these messages. This paper illustrates how these enhancements to OSC allow a device to advertise its services. Controller applications can then explore the device’s address space to discover services and retrieve the services required by the application.
Eales, Andrew; Foss, Richard
Wellington Institute of Technology, Wellington, New Zealand; Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention:
133 (October 2012)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
October 25, 2012
Networked Audio
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