Source localization is an important task in many speech processing systems. There are many microphone array techniques intended to provide accurate source localization, but their performance is severely affected by noise and reverberation. The Steered-Response Power Phase Transform (SRP-PHAT) algorithm has been shown to perform very robustly in adverse acoustic environments; however, its computational cost can be an issue. Recently, the authors presented a modified version of the SRP-PHAT algorithm that improves its performance without adding a significant cost. However, the performance of the modified algorithm has only been analyzed in single source localization tasks. This paper explores further the possibilities of this localization method by considering multiple speech sources simultaneously active. Experiments considering different number of sources and acoustic environments are presented using simulations and real data.
Cobos, Maximo; Marti, Amparo; Lopez, Jose J.
Universidad Politecnica Valencia, Valencia, Spain
AES Convention:
130 (May 2011)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 13, 2011
Posters: Soundfield Analysis
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