There have been many recent initiatives to capture the impulse responses of important or interesting acoustic spaces, although not all of this data has been made more widely available to researchers interested in auralization. This paper presents the Open Acoustic Impulse Response (OpenAIR) Library, a new online resource allowing users to share impulse responses and related acoustical information. Open-source software is provided, enabling the user to render the acoustical data using various auralization strategies. Software tools and guidelines for the process of impulse response capture are also provided, aiming to disseminate best practice. The database can accommodate impulse response datasets captured according to different measurement techniques and the use of robust spatial audio coding formats is also considered for the distribution of this type of information. Visitors to the resource can search for acoustical data using keywords, and can also browse uploaded datasets on a world map.
Murphy, Damian T.; Shelley, Simon
University of York, Heslington, York
AES Convention:
129 (November 2010)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
November 4, 2010
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