We present a new structure of loudspeaker: the motor is ironless, the suspension is ferro fluidic, the moving part is piston like, with a concave dome. The absence of iron guarantees a small and constant inductance of the moving coil, as well as the absence of Eddy currents. The motor includes two circular joints, one on each side of the moving coil. These joints are ferro fluidic. They fulfil the guidance and centring function and the air tightness function. This structure is quite rigid. As there is no traditional suspension in this structure, the related non-linearities and hysteresis disappear.
Lemarquand, Guy
LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613, Universite du Maine
AES Convention:
120 (May 2006)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 1, 2006
Loudspeakers and Sound Reinforcement
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