The Espacio Acustico Virtual (EAV) [Gonzalez Mora, Rodriguez Ramos] is a portable device that acoustically represents visual environmental scenes by rendering objects with the sound of virtual rain drops. Here an improvement of this device is presented, with the intent to add color to the information it conveys. Two different mappings of color into sound were implemented. Georama is a geometric coding based on Red Green Blue vectors, while Colorama is an associative coding [Hunter]. An experiment aiming at assessing which of these coding was the most user friendly was run both with sighted and blind participants. The results showed that participants learnt to better discriminate colors through sounds when trained with Georama than with Colorama.
Ausiello, Ludovico; Caramelli, Nicoletta; Cecchetelli, Emanuele; Ferri, Massimo
University of Bologna
AES Convention:
120 (May 2006)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 1, 2006
Design and Engineering of Auditory Displays
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