A study of the aliasing frequency of Multiactuator Panels (MAPs) for Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) is presented. It is based on the periodicity of the spatial frequency in a wavenumber domain analysis. The success of these loudspeakers for WFS lies in the absence of exciter cross interference, acting as single sources. However, the distance between exciters may not be indicative of the spatial resolution capability of the array. A set of four MAPs comprising 32 exciters were measured by using this multidimensional analysis. An additional dynamic loudspeaker array having the same loudspeaker spacing was also measured. Results show a good correlation with expected figures given by the distance between exciters.
Bleda, Sergio; Escolano, José; López, José Javier; Pueo, Basilio
Technical University of Denmark; Technical University of Valencia; University of Alicante(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention:
120 (May 2006)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
May 1, 2006
Multichannel Sound
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