
AES Convention Papers Forum

Finite Element Modelling of a Loudspeaker Part 2: Applications

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The finite-element loudspeaker model presented in Part 1 is extended to three applications. Firstly, we study the effect of a significant increase of the magnetic motor strength Bl on the breakup modes and other resonances of a typical driver. Approximations to the theory allow modal decomposition even when the loudspeaker voice coil is driven from a normal amplifier, showing that the modes most affected are those for which the back-emf due to voice-coil motion is strong. Secondly, we probe how the shape of the cone influences the resonances, breakup, and acoustic performance. Cones that flare outwards have the most desirable characteristics. A final third study concerns the result of a change in the distribution of the damping and stiffness of parts of the driver, to see if useful characteristics ensue. The model is also used to investigate some aspects of measurements.

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