This paper presents an audio descriptive analysis experiment employing an individual vocabulary development approach. The aim of the study was to compare the perceptual characteristics of spatial enhancement systems for stereo headphone reproduction. Five musical programs were selected and processed with two subsets of algorithms representing different approaches to spatial enhancement for headphones, including stereo enhancement systems and Virtual Home Theatre systems for headphone reproduction. Ten listeners were selected based on their discriminative and descriptive skills. Each subject developed his or her own set of attributes in three hours and performed a comparative evaluation of seven series of eight stimuli. The methods employed for the descriptive analysis process and for the analysis of this individual vocabulary profiling data are presented and some results from the perceptual evaluation are reported.
Lorho, Gaƫtan
Nokia Corporation
AES Convention:
119 (October 2005)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
October 1, 2005
Psychoacoustics, Perception, Listening Tests
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