
AES Convention Papers Forum

Phase Sensitivity in Music Reproduction

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Recent studies of auditory perception of relative phase changes are reviewed. Potential sources of time-domain errors in music reproduction are identified and evaluated. Some published experiments are critically assessed and new data considered in the context of previous research in psychoacoustics.

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Comments on this paper

Scott Dorsey
Scott Dorsey

Comment posted April 3, 2018 @ 16:26:34 UTC (Comment permalink)

This is a good summary of the basic philosophy behind the questions about audibility of group delay.  The authors measure temporal errors in recordings, loudspeakers, and do a rough test of audibility of these errors.  They don't seem to be aware of the earlier work done by Hansen and Madsen, and their method for estimating group delay effects in existing recordings makes a lot of assumptions about the material, but the discussion of the nature of the problem is clear and worth reading.

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