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Unravelling the Perception of Spatial Sound Reproduction: Analysis & External Preference Mapping

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This paper presents the external preference mapping of the perception of spatial sound reproduction systems. 13 spatial sound samples and 8 reproduction systems were subjectively tested in terms of preference and direct attribute ratings. The unravelling of this data to establish what perceptual attributes contribute to subjective preference is performed using multivariate calibration techniques, the results of which are presented and analyzed in detail. A predictive model of subjective preference is developed and presented for this class of spatial sound reporduction systems.

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KC Collins

Comment posted May 19, 2024 @ 12:03:58 UTC (Comment permalink)

This paper seems to be missing the first page.

Vesa Valimaki
Vesa Valimaki

Comment posted May 22, 2024 @ 15:36:38 UTC (Comment permalink)

Thanks for the comment. However, I get to see the full paper, also the first page, which has the title and the abstract.

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