
AES Conference Papers Forum

The digital Foley: what Foley artists say about using audio synthesis.

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Foley is a sound production technique where organicity and authenticity in sound creation are key to fostering creativity. Audio synthesis, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Interaction Design (IXD) have been explored by the community to investigate their efficiency and versatility. This paper investigates audio synthesis's current and potential use in Foley practice. We opened an online survey answered by 56 Foley artists with a median of 10 years of experience from 13 different industries. Results from a thematic analysis reported that artists desired controllers for synthesising Foley with a focus on organic control, performance, and innovative ideas. Deterring factors included traditional Foley practices, sound synthesis complexity, and physical object authenticity. The strengths of sound synthesis tools included creativity, speed, cost-effectiveness, and customisability. Suggestions to improve current tools encompassed increased interactivity, teamwork, and continued exploration. Participants had diverse views on potential synthesis tools for Foley, emphasising physical modelling, IXD, and preserving the underlying craftsmanship.

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