
AES Conference Papers Forum

Dual-Target Design for Large-Scale Sound Reinforcement: Simulation and Evaluation

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Progressively curved line-source arrays became state of the art in large-scale sound reinforcement as they are flexibly adapted to the listening area by well-chosen splay angles between individual elements in the chain of line-source loudspeakers. Recent perceptual studies suggest using a dual-target design to meet contradictory goals in immersive sound reinforcement: 0 dB per doubling of the distance to preserve the direct sound mix, and -3 dB per doubling of the distance to preserve the envelopment at off-center listening positions. A practical implementation has been proposed to achieve both objectives simultaneously by driving the transducers of a curved array either in phase or with individual delays. Its feasibility was verified using measurements on a miniature line array that works for small audiences, but not specifically for large arrays and audiences that would be typically found in live events. To check the applicability of the dual-target approach to large-scale sound reinforcement systems, this contribution presents a simulation study with various professional line-source arrays and a sample measurement.

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